
  • The 69 square kilometre project is located within the Manson-Germansen placer gold district and contains multiple gold bearing targets including: Main Zone, 14 Vein and Flagstaff NW.

  • The project exhibits excellent infrastructure including widespread logging roads and a logging camp with food, lodging and heavy equipment rentals.

  • Claims cover an approximate 15 kilometre strike length of the Manson Fault Zone (“MFZ”) thought to be a controlling structure for much of the mineralization within the district.

  • Both Main Zone and 14 Vein have affinities of sediment hosted vein (SHV) style orogenic systems. Potential analogies in British Columbia include: Spanish Mountain, Frasergold and Cariboo Gold.



  • Main Zone is a potentially open-pittable 750 x 400 metre body 40 metres or more in thickness exposed along a NW trending ridge. Main Zone remains open for expansion to the northwest and possibly to the southeast. There appears to be 2 stages of gold mineralization, an initial phase related to pervasive iron-carbonate and sericite alteration of reactive lithologies overprinted by structurally controlled quartz-pyrite veining and silicification. Mineralization includes pyrite, trace amounts of base metal sulphides and rare visible gold.

  • 14 Vein was discovered in May 2022, and is an open-ended northeast trending bulk tonnage gold target exposed on surface in a logging road bed. Geology consists of sheeted to stockwork quartz veining hosted by silicified and carbonate altered argillite. Mineralization consists of trace to 3% pyrite.

  • Flagstaff NW is an open ended northwest trending stratabound zone of silica and carbonate altered sediments discovered in August 2021. Similar geology, alteration and mineralization occurs at Flagstaff and Flagstaff SE 2.5 and 4 km along strike to the southeast respectively, and potential for a large continuous zone exists.

  • Numerous other showings or anomalies exist on the property including:

    • At Fairview a quartz vein is intermittently exposed over a 900 metre long northwest trend, chip sampling of the vein has returned values of up to 11.9 g/t Au over 1.0 metre.

    • The Farrell vein has yielded up to 0.511 oz/t Au from a 3.0 metre chip sample and 1,777 g/t Au and 3,560 g/t Ag from a grab sample. Limited historical drilling returned no significant values, but holes may have been improperly oriented.

    • The Flagstaff showing is an area of bleached, carbonate altered and veined sediments. Values of up to 5.9 g/t Au and 1,153 g/t Ag have been reported for a grab sample of a quartz vein at this site.

    • The Adit Zone, located southeast of 14 Vein, where 2022 fieldwork returned soil samples with up to 7,689 ppb Au.


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